Big Hill, Big Dream (2021)
Comedy, Mockumentary
When it snows in Mississippi, Tony builds a snowboard to conquer the biggest hill in his neighborhood.
Starring: Tony King, Mateo Jekabsons & Joseph Murphy
Written By: Tony King, Mateo Jekabsons & Taliya Harman
Directed By: Tony King & Taliya Harman
Cinematography By: Taliya Harman
As Oxford, MS shut down for an entire week due to an unexpected snowstorm, my roommates Mateo and Joseph and I spent a lot of our time off of school trying to snowboard down the various hills in our neighborhood. After failing to sled on the lid of our trash can, cardboard poster-board and more, I decided to build a makeshift snowboard with some wood and brackets that I had laying around the house. It was pretty obvious that it wouldn't work very well, so I focused on giving it character. From there, all we had to do was come up with some jokes, characters and structure. Easy right? This project was so much fun to work on, brainstorming jokes, adapting to the flow of the story, and enjoying the craft of filmmaking.
Film Festivals:
UM Film Festival, Official Selection 2021
Carrboro Film Festival, Official Selection 2021
Clapperboard Golden Film Festival, Official Selection 2022
Oxford Film Festival, Official Selection 2022
Black Warrior Film Festival 2022